First things first .. look top right on the home page … press play ! .. voila !

For several months now .. we have been broadcasting a daily morning radio allayallcall @ 7 – 8:30 am daily PST, ... Rise + Shine .. it might just be your glocal morning cup of tea or mochaccino (Joshi!) …via (press play, top right on home page) or download tunein free app and search “worldoneradio” or “kecg” … let us know you are tuned in via email.. and we’ll holla atcha !
Universal People’s Improvement Messages (UPIM) …
As a local terrestrial Public FM Radio Station, we naturally seek like-minded-missioned glocal sponsors and individual listener donors. We have been considering for a long time, how to dig a little deeper, to actually align our living~breathing project, with That which actually sponsors the sponsors + listeners + we ourselves. How have we surrendered virtually a l l of our public messaging space to corporations hawking cell phones, car insurance, movies, fastjunk foods, sugary beverages, or pizza? ( I know, e v e r y b o d y loves pizza !) Carramba ! Our small remedy, UPIM are now broadcast hourly via worldOneradio .. to remind, help us unwind our minds, and mind our collective well being … and yes, we’d love to hear from you… if you’d care to create and offer a UPIM … please let us know! via … an example follows …

keCg worldOne radio glocal programming is possible at all, by virtue of human discernment and understanding of ..
HOPE : a Universal People’s Improvement Missive …
We live in hope of deliverance from any darkness that erupts around us … evil : the shadows of hate, violence, avarice, anxiety, apathy, despair, sickness, disease, environmental degradation, ignorance, poverty, dearth, the rumors and conditions of war…
Cynics might say hope is a delusion .. and we might agree, if we might hope idly for some change of condition, mind state, attitude, law, policy. In Spanish, from its Latin language root, hope and wait are the same word .. esperar…. hope is fully alive when not shrouded in ignorance, or disinterest, distraction nor apathy .. instead patience and careful observation are cultivated in our human psyche and all human enterprise, to support and nurture the full flowering of HOPE .. the Rumors and Conditions of Abiding Peace, and continual seeding, cultivating, promoting and making of same .. through well rounded and comprehensive education/humanities, ecology + agriculture + arts + sciences + technology + engineering+ mathematics … on and on through daily rounds of Bright Blessed Days and Dark Sacred Nights .. and throughout all the rolling seasons ..
Hope works and prays and sweats and waits.. for the right opportunity .. a break in the weather, the dissipation of the storm.. and keeps its seed, its ember/fire and its work L I T to deliver its particular hopeful vision as a nascent, if not long-burning potential and reality to our world .. and thus our great leaders, Sheroes and Heroes are at once great thinker-feelers-envisioners-framers… and at once our most h o p e f u l as they keep faith in their respective vision throughout all disciplines and then coax it to become a reality .. often enough through iterations, setbacks and obstacles, formidable hardships, even life threatening opposition, in every arena, from health, to arts, civil rights , ecology, to technology.
It is our duty to remain hopeful and optimistic as we endure institutions and policies which do not work, nor longer function properly in synergy in our home ecosystem, with an ever-expanding worldsview and interconnectivity ..
fitna get my cosmoglocal drift on here … we have always been interconnected .. Pachamama …in real organic Ecosphere and RealClouds and Realmineral Earthnet, RealetherSkynet, Indranet, and YouMeWenet … before iphone, smart phone, telephone, there is Telepathy, Psi and Zeitgeist, Dream-time … before any of our gadgets (made from materials drawn from Alma Mater Earth) … before Intuit there is Intuition and before Beats by Dre.. the pre-installed Beat by G– .. before Oracle there are Oracles … before tight stretchy pants there is Yoga done by Seekers and Sadhus for the alignment and perfecting of their body-mind, and not for a gruvilook or yoga booty .. we have a tendency to rush to odd new demigods~demigoods … stuff and things …and seeming always driven , puffed up, hyped, and Spirit thereby diminished by relentless commercial so-called “development” .. pretty cool stuff, but not it..
Here’s to dialing down the ball-o-confusion and allowing entheos, co-creating .. multidimendimensional enthusion… and YES! gadgets can be very helpful .. in so far as they ..
Raise Divine Sparks ( Tikkun Olam! ) image by Rich Sigberman
Vision + passion + action is the alchemy which precipitates any humanifestation in this world .. the organic circuits of our dreaming, conscious and deliberate envisioning, our visionary imagination engine, through the very chambers of the heart, and our heart of compassion for all life, through the vehicle of the body electric ..
HOPE works and sweats and sacrifices through all the seasons and experimental iterations … all the failures and frustration… even vilification and exile … to realize its goals through joys and tears with courage .. to greet the pulse of this new day …
When you may feel discouraged, avoid negativity in all its forms… from self-defeating thinking, to negating foods or activities, including entertainments … Seek … natural places and spaces, positive non judgmental conversations, water, herbals teas and foods which genuinely support your balance, harmony and well being ..
HOPE springs eternal … look up, look to the morning sun …may you and we all, in turn, spring eternally filled with revivifying hope .. = : ) ~
image by Fletcher Oakes
worldOneradio recent runnings:
One of our keCg/worldOne Youth Radio broadcasters, Nanette Thompson recently generated a feature, broadcast nationally on NPR: On Tansgender Students learning to navigate schools. One primary, interviewee, Jace, is another one of our/my current and Precious Students…
… and if you please, a few recent worldOneradio accolades (as a further testament to the power education with the added juju of glocal musiculture = edjujucation?! :
– 2015 MLK Dream Award (local NAACP)
– 2015 CA State Legislature ( Public Service) Recognition
worldOne is a drum that brings the Good Spirit to protect you .. see our daily program guide under the keCg radio tab above .. e como mai ! Which includes a daily trifecta of programs produced by Mssr. Doug Wendt …
KeCG and worldOne salutes and celebrates 2015 Rex Foundation Ralph J. Gleason Award winner Doug Wendt !
In memory of music journalist Ralph J. Gleason, a major figure in the advancement of music in America in the 1960s, whose openness to new music and ideas transcended differences between generations and styles.
Doug Wendt has been one of the most influential people in the country in bringing Reggae and World Beat music to the American public. He began his career in the Bay Area as Host & Producer of the pioneering commercial radio reggae program The Reggae Explosion on KTIM AM & FM in San Rafael, CA from 1974-1977. Since then he has both hosted and produced various commercial and public radio reggae programs. Doug worked as a journalist contributing articles to Rolling Stone, Beat Magazine and others publications as well as penning liner notes for reggae recordings issued by Island Records, Heartbeat/Rounder, Putumayo and other labels. He was instrumental in promoting many popular reggae festivals and films. Aside from all of his work as a DJ, VJ, journalist and consultant he has accumulated an extraordinary archive of live and recorded reggae and world beat music and videos which he has been in the process of digitizing for posterity. The funds from a Rex award will help him continue to convert his vast personal library of music to digital form. Visit Midnight Dread, here!
… and for a good time shakin’ your beauty … a few video links … to CAli and/or African Thrill you !
Ashel Seasunz ~ Lady Justice
Rocky Dawuni ~ African Thriller
image by G– the Smile that Greets me, Eases my heart, and Rox my worldOne .. dXOodle !