Everydody getcha checkbooks ready … 2025 is announced quietly (see “about” page) .. and we are callin all Ladies and Laddies of Liberty .. po’lanthropists like us and any all philanthopists you know …
while we beat the drum to welcome like mind~hearted Sponsors and Arts~Community~building  organizations …. 
Everybody getcha tape decks ready … announcing 2024 ..  we are Honored, Delighted to Welcome ,  Present and Celebrate together with ..
Welcome !  … each one in ALL in ONE  …  Let’s get together and feel alright in our 26th annual worldOnefestival, blossoming again in the fullness of summersunflowermusicpower.
Freely presented, in grassy tree-lined Cerrito Vista Park … bring low back chairs, blankets …
(we love poochies, though, sorry, only service dogs in park). Free street parking.   
Please bring your own refillable water bottle which you can replenish at the water fill station. 
Bike parking available. 
ADA accessible seating adjacent to sound tent, grassy, shaded, centerfield. 
WHOOHOO!  + CHEE~HUU!  + SCOOBi DOOBi DOOBE !   WE BROUGHT IT ON THROUGH TRU RED WHITE + BLUE .. ( well, in MatriPatrotic~mandala raspberry, white and turquoise!)  ALLAWE HEYA HEY ! CHEE ~ HUU ~ RAAY ! 

Please plan to arrive early for :

Lucien Balmer and Spruce Ritual  11 : 00 AM 

Laurie Lewis         @  1 2 : 30  PM

The Big Takeover @    2 :  00 

Orchestra Gold     @    3 : 40


Djs  Jose Ruiz Mondo Muzik +  Gregg McVicar Undercurrents + MCdj worldOnelove too ! 

with every kina suave djbonaire mixologies and flibbertyliberty MC patter that matters
in between and surround you in worldOnelovegalore ..
Let’s see shall we ? what this particular 2024 Celebration has in store ! … 

Volunteer here

Archive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Please bring your own refillable water bottle which you can replenish at the water fill station. 
Bike parking available. 
ADA accessible seating adjacent to sound tent, grassy, shaded, centerfield. 

OLDER posts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A first 2022 batch of fotos here, through the lens of our Beloved fest fotog Fletcher Oaks :  
the link is the fist half of our day on July 4th … our assemblage under the spell of Quartet San Francisco and Aza.  More to follow !   (If this link is fussy, try the “Gallery “page.) 
And herewith the second half of our Celebration with Jubba White + Friends, then LUV Phenomenon.

Sunday July 3 :   5 P – 7 P 

 Dj worldOnelove  ~  ALLAWE~A~Go~Go! ~  Shake Your Beauty with Karma Smart ! …  

July 4  : 11 A – 5 P

11 am:  Quartet San Francisco

The QSF journey into the future of chamber music is nearing the end of its second decade, and the group’s passion for playing the musical styles that bring them joy still inspires them. As musicians they stand on the shoulders of their 16th-century predecessors, who introduced their instruments to the western world.

Fast forward three hundred years … QSF’s eclecticism embraces the spirit of our time and continues the journey into the chamber music of the 21st century.

12:30 pm:  Aza

AZA unites traditional Tamazight (Berber) music, indigenous to the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, with the global influences of its diverse members. Evocative of Saharan-African blues, yet with an original style that truly defies categorization, AZA’s stirring performances feature deep, danceable rhythms, intricate string melodies, and soaring, soulful vocals. Visually dynamic and engaging performers, AZA has been inspiring international audiences for nearly ten years.

2 pm:  Jubba White 

“Music is a universal language, and Reggae, as a genre represents so much of what we are facing globally.” Jubba White/White Stone Productions…

Many artists grow their talent as young adults. Jubba White entered the world banging on kitchen pots and exercising his dynamic lungs at three years old. Born in the rural area of May Pen, Clarendon (Jamaica), Jubba learned to sing and play drums in church, where his mother was a foundation member and sang in the choir…

“I love working with unique sounds and blending voices. My friends and colleagues are from across the globe and music is my favorite way to bring them together.”

3:40 pm:  Luv Phenomena 

The emcee. Powered by community past, present and future, Chris Burger  sees the role, responsibility and life of the lyricist to empower and enlighten. “Music is a gift and in order to bask in its beauty, we must cherish and nurture it, then give it away”.

With over 13 releases, 1300 live shows across the nation and international, CB’s modus operandi is the organic interplay of live musicianship with the lyricist. “There’s a beautiful conception of auditory healing when the rhythm, melody, and vocal tone come together and meld into one sensual serum”. Music is life in all its pain beauty and hope.

The Luv Phenomena is the 1st volume in a series that combines the strength of this emcee- sense of community as power- and his knack for wordplay and vocalastics. “I’m a student of the golden era of HipHop and those of us of that era know that we stand on great shoulders of the past, folks that have died for us to have the opportunity to speak, we have a responsibility to respectfully carry this legacy for future generations, and we get to have the time of our lives doing it”.

Dj Jose Ruiz  + DJ Gregg McViccar +  MC worldOnelove 


Calling all Volunteers, it takes a village of hearts + hands ya hear? !  Sign up here:


Spring~a~ding~ding UPdate~ 

Welcome One and All.
Plans are underway to Rise like a Phoenix and bring worldOne festival 2022 back to Cerrito Vista Park on July 4th.
It’s finna take a Village … will you join us?!
We are all pitching in to bring back July 4th to our beloved community.  Direct donations to the City fiduciary are warmly invited and NECESSARY to keep this event FREE to our public.  Given the several years the City and all-a-we have endured, please donate what you can. We understand that times have been tough and rough, and we will make a little go a long way. While, a lot will go a whole lot further … every bit o’ la plata helps and matters!
WRITE to we IF you’d like to volunteer!!
We’ll be setting up our iVolunteer sign up portal in May!
4th of July Logo-1


The City of El Cerrito is planning for the return of the City of El Cerrito worldOne July 4th Festival this summer and we need your help! Please consider donating or sponsoring the event.

A website has been set-up for individual donations here.

Sponsorship information for companies, organizations or individuals can be found here.

Vendor (Non-Food) application registration is open and can be found here.

Please contact the City of El Cerrito Rec Dept at: recreation@ci.el-cerrito.ca.us for more information.

For Food Booth inquiries, email bcooney@ci.el-cerrito.ca.us for more information.

EVRYBODi GETCHAbOOMbOX READi !!! U.S.ALL 88.1 FM AttuneIN .. SUNday 11A – 3 P Cerrito Vista Park … redwhiteblerainbow celebration.. po si tive vibration .. flex our sixpack glocal citizenship + smile shimmy wiggle giggle wiggle wobble Shake OUR Beauty … its our duty ! SunMusicFlowerDreamPower … can’t sttend in 3D .. listen here :

Donations HeadsUP > My Funding Pal evidently went offline, TBD. WCCUSD does not othewise have a direct digital donation portal, nor can we just select one, arrgh.

All donations to Public Radio keCg must be made directly by check, ol’school, payable to “keCg”  c/o El Cerrito High School ,540 Ashbury Ave. El Cerrito, CA 94530.


worldOneloves….  Dear RadioEscuchas.. SyntheSiStars + Double Rainbrrros..  worldOne festival 2021 will again hiatus due to public health precautions and protocols. Last summer we implemented a flash parade ~ carnaval procession around the theme USALL …  We are insploring ways to make a safely distanced 3D  joyful noise, nonetheless and all the more .. let’s see what this Spring~Summer Tides + Times have in store .. will holla .. in the meanwhile .. HALO ..  Keep Healthy + Cultivate your Joy ..  Supple + Resilient + Relational ..Po si tive Vibrational ..

LuZAMor+ViBRaBueNa  … = ; ) ~


Donate to keCg Public Radio throughout the rolling year.. whenever you feel inspired .. largesse or smallesse makes a differensse .. it’s like your vote ! and Oh Say ! we can all clearly see, votes count !

worldOnefestival 2020 in public health hiatus .. 2021 TBD.. let’s see what the rolling seasons have in store .. and let’s practice all prudent preventatives .. take good care,  go easy as we can,  and do not hurry the  Redemption.

04.11  UPdate  ..  2020  worldOne July 4 Festival Hiatus Announced 

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Wone-pc-back.2.20.1-1024x1024.jpg


El City Council Approves City Manager Recommendation to Cancel the Annual 4th of July Festival for 2020 Due to COVID-19 Concerns 

El Cerrito, Calif: At the City Council meeting on April 7, 2020, the Council approved City Manager Karen Pinkos’ strong recommendation that the 4th of July/worldOne Festival this summer be cancelled due to concerns around COVID-19. 

Like the rest of the state, El Cerrito’s City Hall has been closed since Governor Newsom issued the orders to shelter at home … Additionally, even if the shelter-in- place order is lifted, she questioned the practice of planning for an event where large numbers of people would be in close proximity to each other so soon after the global pandemic emergency. 

After the meeting, City Manager Pinkos said: “This is a painful decision to make, because the 4th of July/worldOne Festival is such a wonderful annual celebration of our community. However, I believe it is in the best interest of our community to cancel the event this year. At a time when we are facing such uncertainty with respect to this public health crisis, we want to do what is necessary to protect our residents, visitors, and City staff. I want to thank the City Council and our residents for their understanding as we continue to do our best to respond to these unprecedented times.”

2020 El Cerrito worldOneJuly 4 Fest 
will r e s t 
in its Magical Musical Box .. 
to Blossom in 2021  
Ojala ! 
Best ! + Appreciation Always  ..
Practice Prudent Preventatives 
Go Easy As You Can   
Blessed Be ALLawe

03.27 UPdate ..

Our public health crisis has all of we watching the calendar .. as thousands of public events and necessarily postponed or cancelled.  Our annual July 3+4 festival is clearly in the concern zone. We’ll be watching all CDC and local advisories.  We anticipate a requisite festival hiatus for this season.  We will seek to constellate the 2020  festival in its full blossom when the time is right.    Practice Prudent Preventatives. Go Easy As You Can. Blessed Be…  ALLAWE.

2.19  UPdate .. 

Our Thanks to Residents + Citizens + Council  .. Thanks all fest fam ..  Council, amidst a season of budget turbulence, chimed a resonant round of approval for full blossom of July 4 worldOnefestival 2020 ..  pure  panangelium will ensue ..  a musicopia …musicultura que cura..

Giving and Living Thanks All Around  ..  red white + true blue 

It Takes a Glocal Village … BRAVX !  U.S. A L L  

Direct donate here NOW TODAY, by March 31  via Go Fund Me to offset proposed budget cuts .. 


Volunteer ? 

let we know .. we’ll be setting up ivolunteer interface soon .. for the moment  email aok to become acquainted .. worldone@worldoneradio.org 

Booth Space ?

Holla at we ! @12K folks will be looking for your wares there !  

Sponsorship ?   YES ! you bet !  Just whistle ..  stage wings available ..

Now is good, earlier is always better    worldone@worldoneradio.org

Donate ?

That will be great ! direct to City of El Cerrito, ReCreation Department,   in the name of July 4  worldOnefestival


a narrow passage , just ahead …
gotta rally the red~gold~green, and blue~white + red

El Cerrito City council meeting,  Tuesday Feb 18 ..

will discuss the immediate future of city arts and special events .
we’ve  all gotta send up a rocket, a flare in the air
to support the annual July 4 celebration
so that our Aspirations blossom + musicultura Balms burst in the air

Our original USALL multiple award winning  positive vibration
attend in person, make a joyful noise  .. 
and / or write to City Council 
a red white and bluminous praise through the City website 
and do it soon .. now… today.. tonight ..before next Tuesday Feb 18  City Council meeting 

As its up to allawe to make it all right in plain sight ..
so that our July 4 worldOne flags are still there !
decades long and strong  .. at some real pressing risk ..put that meeting and that letter on your to do list
and Dream Out Loud   ~  America in the Remix ! in our evolving eclectic revoluting relational positive vibrational resilient collective

Let’s all do what we can do in a mighty floatilla of tiny canoes to help bring it all through … 


Follow this link to view a first batch of festival 2019 fotos by Fletcher Oaks !


Hola ! Bon Jour ! Jo Sun !  WAZUP!  and Welcome to worldOneradio + festival.  We Will Circle, All Together … celebrating our 21st annual worldOne festival this July 2019 in Cerrito Vista Park, July 3rd + 4th.  Musicalities mundiales for U.S.ALL Our Relations peoplovpeacecopowerunity … musicultura que cura. 

A few helpful notes ~

Low back chairs or blankets are A-OK. High backs behind the plane of the sound tent please.,. we’ll remind you ! 

July 3rd – Festivities begin under the blue and gold circus tent with Circus Imagination at 4 pm followed by a truly Polynesian Tahiti fete from 5-7 pm.  Food trucks in the park incl. Pacific and Mexican Fusion food + Hawaiian shave ice … oh, so nice.

July 4th – Main Stage entertainment from 10 am – 6:30 pm for you to shake your beauty. Enjoy all the festival goodness ~ worldOne T-shirts, arts + crafts booths, kids rides and games + food court … Enter our drawing to win generously donated prizes while you support the event.

On-site bike parking with Spokes Valet.  Free street parking nearby. Cerrito Vista Park is @ 1/2 mile east the Ohlone Greenway / BART tracks, corner Moeser and Pomona, and equidistant from EC Plaza and Del Norte BART. City is running free Para Transit shuttles from El Cerrito Plaza Bart.

We love dogs! … though no dogs are allowed in the park, except service dogs and dogs in carriers.   

BTW .. if you love it .. commend and recommend it, friend it  and vote for it !!

Best of the East Bay 2019— Vote!

we’ll need to write-in our vote  ... we are still relatively “hidden”  in the upwelling  and roar of Bay Rim radio  or events radar …  while once discovered .. worldOneradio  listeners and event participants are generally quite up UP and joyfully, tearfully and oft sweetlysweatily overwhelmed ! 

Fletcher Oaks / 2018 worldOnefestival mandala …. center stage … we are circling + spiraling all together  …

This image is rendered by glocal Mohawk / Haudenosaunee Brother and Culture Keeper Roger Sosakete Perkins.. meet and dance with Roger at the festival …  Love Lifts Us Up Where We Belong ( Buffy Saint-Marie )  

“As always, very positive vibes all around … We are truly blessed to have such an open, mindful, and lovely fest right in our home City.  worldOne, because we only have ONE world! Namaste!”  Terri.

worldOnefestival 2017 Hi-lights below :  

Thank you One in All, for your Art and Love.

You are the Public in Public Radio … Public RadiYOU!  Your direct listener support is a vital part of our sustainability.  We seem to never miss the water til its gone … let’s not miss the KeCg worldOne musicultral waters !