Happy New Day .. Everyday .. throughout the Rolling Year … 

We are Grateful .. recently encountered arts imagery and inspiration in the work of Paul Windsor / Hailsa,Heiltsuk Artist+Culture Keeper ..  find a web contact for Paul + Native/Indigenous  collective here www.nativenorthwest.com . Thank you for permissions, Paul.

This new day and new year, with Universe (One-turning) One-teaching us through Procession, the incremental change, in the vastness, microinmacro.. cycleswithincycles ..circleswithincircles .. don’t panic, we’re organix ! 



we are circling we are spiraling all together creatures to Creation ...


As we grow, mature, ripen and understand in our Golden Rays Illuminating Our Parade of Bright Blessed Days .. Good Morning Good to ALL Our Relations ..


in rounds of Dark Sacred Nights ..  

Dreamcatcher …catch me that dream, turning revealing the feelings and scenes ….  so that I may innerstand .. help heal-whole any angst, the negativity of fear, isolation, despair, enmity , to conduct that energy on its way, to decompose, go down, decay, come back around as something fecund-fertile, useful, handsome and beautiful .. help me understand my particular and individual place, my gift to share .. Y O U R  G I F T  …  in the the improbable and self-evident existence of GREAT SPIRIT  … and awaken again ..  hand to hand… heart to heart …  in the starry expanse .. here Appreciating the Beauty of This Earth .. Pachamama .. Gaia .. S H E  …   W E  spelled out in mineral earth, sparkling waters, whorls, shimmering, tumbling -cascading chchchanging,  pulsing, breathing turquoise jewel of a planet ..  All Our Relations ..       

Time for Rebirth and Renewal .. Calling, Awaiting and Trusting in the Return of the Light .. Hope Springs Eternal Springs Hope .. that works and prays and sweats ..  sweat , the best perfume .. ( all due respect!  to flowers) .. 

So Make Merry, Make Amends, Welcome New Friends, Let Go Let G– .. while Cherishing what is Old and True and Beauitiful ..  let old acquaintance be forgot ..

Maybe get a bit fizzy? ( ojo! that thizzy), and let’s get busy like the bees, to build our collective hives and reverberating reverence-minds, UPset any sad, sinking status quo and cultivate honey in our hearts   .. reBorn to be lively !! Heavy on the cloves .. light on the cinnamon ..

Happy New Bright Blessed Days and Dark Sacred Nights Indeed ..

= : ) ~  +  { : *       

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