see more imagery at http://www.thewhole9.com/thepeaceproject-home.php
Well .. you are reading this.. we apparently made it though the portended portal/synchronization of 2013 .. so far so good? .. I wouldn’t quiiite yet grab the remote, check-out, and zone-out again via Animal Reality Geographic’s sexi-broody-vampire-penguins (Wanderlust) as a daily junk-media diet … as perhaps the “fat lady” hasn’t yet sung? .. or GabriEL hasn’t yet held that note forever (Bruce Almighty) … or , perhaps they have, and we have undergone some kind of cosmic mitosis .. pa’ delante ..
in case you may be onedering what that LISTEN LIVE ! press play button has in store for you .. it is sets like these … hundreds of them .. all waiting patiently to worldOneradioXo your hEARtS .. and blow some domes ..
Max Richter+Hollywood Symphony ,Steve Shehan +Nabil Othmani, Ellington + Louis, Macklemore + Lewis, James Danderfer, Stockton Helbing, Nancy Stearns, Mariah Parker, Omar Sosa, Mary Ann Vorsky, America, Macklemore + Lewis, M Ward, Sugarland, Ronnie bowman, Erykah Badu, Pimps of Joy Time+ Captain Planet, Steve Shehan + Nabil Othmani, Orb + Scratchy, Louis + Ellington, Gotye, Kimbra, Macklemore + Lewis, Eliza gilkyson, Garret Sawyer, M. Ward, Sugarland, Brad Paisley, Cody Chestnut, Bang Data, Gillian Wells, Bart/baker+ Lada Red Star, Les Tiki .. more radio details under the keCg tab … WCCUSD Inner Bay Rim Public radio CalifUSA.
and I DO want to be in that number when “the saints go marching in” ..
and “nothing beats reality” (Rodriguez) … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL5TffdOQ7g
Media .. including worldOneradio, is only, by definition, “in the middle” .. that noted .. highly recommending “Searching for Sugarman” for a number of reasons from music/lyricism to story to spirit . It features no cast of thousands, nary a car chase, nor gun-wielding-super-model agent, nor floozy .. for that matter .. no rock star hubris! and I suspect you may emerge …elated .. it’s an almost unbelievable real-life story, and its still unfolding…. Gentle WoW .. XO Sixto + Fam + Friends.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL5TffdOQ7g
Macklemore and Lewis .. insightful and gots slaps …WTTSMFa ( what-the-thrift-store-m—-f—ka!) .. thrifty hip-hope ( Thrift Store ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae9_RGZLZhI , busting out homophobia and amplfyin’ for mo’love ( Same Love ) … and telling Nike pretty much where to stuff their swooshisms (Wings) .. and that’s pretty much… where the sweat shop don’t shine!
Kendrick Lamar … we was hangin back,true … while a suite from the second half of Good Kid Bad City has been added to worldOneradio ad infinitum .. Respect!
Lately, worldOnelov mixology is broadcasting sets comprised of selections/ vibz like these Artists :
Anthony Wakeman + Mr. Soon / Points of Origen, Rose Moore / Spirit of Silence, Cheevers Topah/Harmonized Songs of Native American Church, Malcolm Cecil / Tonto’s Expanding Headband, Stevie Wonder / Songs in the Key of Life, Eliza Gilkyson / Redemption Road, Toumani Diabate+Ballake Sissoko/ New Ancient Strings, M.Ward / A Wasteland Companion, Cody Chestnut/ Landing on a Hundred, Asa / Eponymous, S.E. Rogie / Golden Voice of Sierra Leone, John McLaughlin/Now Hear This, Bob Marley/Songs of Freedom, Bellamy Bros., Ronnie Bowman/Starting Over, John Powell+Hollywood Symphony / Lorax, Mooquee / Mice Elf.
In February we collaborated in gathering with the Peace Project at Swarm Gallery in Oakland .. that openingtop image is from this collection..
In March… our inaugural Shake your Beauty Kultimulchural Dance, on campus, at El Cerrito HS with the fabulous creativity and energy of students of our Dance Production program and our keen Media/Academy /keCg Youth Crew ..
While we prepare for Spring-Summer .. its riotous clover + occali season here .. poppies poppin’ soon, and by the time the sunflowers are 6’ tall ..
and …
YYYYiiiiiii .. and you are invited to all of the above !
Hey !! .. globally minded dj’s, r u feelin’ us? … if you enjoy the flows, let us know !
if you have sets you’d like to send in for consideration .. please do use our regular email to communicate .. we’ll love to hear from you …
and BTW take us with you via smart phone app tune in .. search “worldOneradio”
Philanthropists.. there is always need for donations from inks + squeegees to decks, between our daily classrooms and special events .. all 501C-3 .. feel moved? don’t be shy .. LIVEALOHALIVE! = ; ) ~